A few Bulbos

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Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2006
Reaction score
Saratoga Region, New York
Here are my current bloomers:
Bulbo blumei 'Robin's Scarlet Dancer' AM/AOS
this one I got in trade from Rick a few years ago. He had it awarded. I love it!!

Bulbo orthosepalen
This is a very cool one from the Macrobulbon section. The leaves are 1.5-2 feet long.

Bulbo smitinandii
This one came from Andy's a few year back The flower is 1.5"

Bulbo lobbii 'Kathy's Gold' AM/AOS
although it has an AM, I still like my other lobii better. The other one has a larger flower and more blooms than this clone.

here is my other lobbii
bwester said:
I LOVE the ortho and Bulbo smitinandii
Blake the smitinandii is easy to find but the orthosepalum is rare and if you can find it, it will be pricey. I am going to try to fertilize it and send the seed off to Troy Meyers.
Ron-NY said:
Blake the smitinandii is easy to find but the orthosepalum is rare and if you can find it, it will be pricey. I am going to try to fertilize it and send the seed off to Troy Meyers.

where can i get smitinandii ?
I love 'Robin's Scarlet Dancer'. For that one, I might even be willing to put up with the stink. I avoid bulbos because of the smell.
Grandma M said:
I love 'Robin's Scarlet Dancer'. For that one, I might even be willing to put up with the stink. I avoid bulbos because of the smell.

It has no smell at all as far as I can tell. I have several Bulbo species with very pleasent smells.