A couple of December bloomers posted a month late

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2011
Reaction score
Base of the Thumb, Michigan
A couple of Dec. bloomers posted a month late.

Paph. venustum 'album'

Paph. wardii

Paphluvr, would you consider selling a division of the Wardii?? I love it!
Paphluvr, would you consider selling a division of the Wardii?? I love it!

I just repotted it this spring and it's just beginning to send up a spike. I like to grow my plants into specimans and generally don't divide them unless they fall apart during repotting or need a piece removed for overall appearance. I will put your name on it though if a piece becomes available at the next repot. Let me know if you're still interested.
I just repotted it this spring and it's just beginning to send up a spike. I like to grow my plants into specimans and generally don't divide them unless they fall apart during repotting or need a piece removed for overall appearance. I will put your name on it though if a piece becomes available at the next repot. Let me know if you're still interested.
Yes absolutely! Thank you much!