maxima's in flower today

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2014
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happened to have my phone in my pocket as i was poking around this morning... some of these are starting to produce like they should really looking forward to true production

(please ignore my filthy windows)

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just saw this coerulea from ecuagenera 'Gigi' selfing... first flower on this plant from me... couple more years til its doing its thing
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Autumn is their normal flowering season for me and for these as well, it looks. They are wonderful, congratulations!

My maxima cœrulea was getting bigger and more floriferous every year, and then this year, the leaves yellowed, the growths were smaller, the flowers were smaller and fewer. I guessed it was because it was such a tightly tangled clump that the plant was choking itself (or there were multiple plants choking each other). I divided it and the rhizomes looked clean, no shady purple rings or streaks. Now i just have a 3-bulb and a 2-bulb division, both putting out new growth.
Just sharing that in case you have any input on my theory, thanks.
Autumn is their normal flowering season for me and for these as well, it looks. They are wonderful, congratulations!

My maxima cœrulea was getting bigger and more floriferous every year, and then this year, the leaves yellowed, the growths were smaller, the flowers were smaller and fewer. I guessed it was because it was such a tightly tangled clump that the plant was choking itself (or there were multiple plants choking each other). I divided it and the rhizomes looked clean, no shady purple rings or streaks. Now i just have a 3-bulb and a 2-bulb division, both putting out new growth.
Just sharing that in case you have any input on my theory, thanks.
The only situation I’ve dealt with like that was when I let a compot of 20ish plants go wwwaaaaayyyyy past disentanglement. It flowered as the mass it was. Then just started to put out growths and go down hill. By the time I tore it apart. I was happy to get little pieces with active leads. No idea how many plants I have multiple divisions of. But 2 years later they are still trying to get going…. So as long as you have leads. Smile and be patient? :). (Easy for me to say?)
Fantastic growing and blooming, I’m hoping for this luck in the coming years. After seeing @southernbelle blooming out the coerulea under lights I invested heavily in seedlings and one mature lowland alba form. I have to agree, concolor is going on the list.

Rich, what media and potting have you used for your conditions? Any other special culture you would recommend? Thanks for sharing!
Fantastic growing and blooming, I’m hoping for this luck in the coming years. After seeing @southernbelle blooming out the coerulea under lights I invested heavily in seedlings and one mature lowland alba form. I have to agree, concolor is going on the list.

Rich, what media and potting have you used for your conditions? Any other special culture you would recommend? Thanks for sharing!
i have 2 plants in pots the other 30ish are all mounted... it's weird how well they respond to high light and just being wired to a big piece of cork... the division of 'Gorgeous' is one that is in a pot with mostly huge perlite and a little bit of large kiwi bark.. it's putting out its first real growths (3 of them) with roots under it... will be interesting to see what it does this year..
PeteM which coerulea of mine as you referring to? I think I gave it away as C. maxima doesn’t do it for me. I wish d known, I’d have given it to you!!
Yes, I believe it didn’t make the cut. No worries. I enjoy the growing and feel that I learn more about a species having multiple seedlings scattered about. The most important/ helpful part is that you were able to bloom it under lights.
Wow! Those are really lovely. Just LOVE the one in that last photo you shared. Could you share the variety name? (sorry, novice here) Also, I have another novice question for you. In the 3rd and 4th pictures, what is the small-flowered orchid with your maxima? It goes nicely beside it but is very lovely on its own too. Thank you.
Wow! Those are really lovely. Just LOVE the one in that last photo you shared. Could you share the variety name? (sorry, novice here) Also, I have another novice question for you. In the 3rd and 4th pictures, what is the small-flowered orchid with your maxima? It goes nicely beside it but is very lovely on its own too. Thank you.
last one was marked 'concolor' . .... from the AOS site where they describe some horticultural varieties "var. concolor An Ecuadorian form with a lovely pure soft rose color and no veins in the lip, but with the usual yellow vein in the middle of the lip" color forms at the bottom

the small flower in the first few photos is an encyclia... Encyclia Marv Ragan (Encyclia steinbachii x Encyclia tampensis) it's noce and fragrant... big long spikes...

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