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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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    Paphiopedilum Michael Koopowitz

    This is a plant I received as a single growth 2 years ago. It was then a well established plants about with a leaf span of about 20/25cm. It grew extremely quickly for me and rewarded me, a few weeks ago, with 3 very nice flowers. Looking closely at it, I found the flowers are not as dark, and...
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    Round fungus spots attacking my Paphs. If some of you have insights on a durable solution.

    Hi everyone, for the last two years, I've been struggling with what appears to be a fungus attacking the leaves of my Paphiopedilums. I live in the French Guiana Amazon and the climate is very humid! I grow all orchids under a 50% shade house and my shade house is quite ventilated. However, each...
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    Selenipedium palmifolium in flower

    Much more cute and amazing than I initially expected! This is a native from French Guiana! The whole plant is very elegant. Enjoy
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    I would really need help with my fertilizer mix!

    I everyone, I think I need help to prepare my fertilizer solution. Note that, being in French Guiana, the availability of fertilizers is very limited, hence the importance of preparing my own formula for orchids. So, what I did so far (with what I could find) is: 1 - Use a 15/5/30 + 5Mg +...
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    What are the Cattleya I can grow in the Amazon

    Hi everyone, I know some of you have extensive experience growing Cattleya(s). I live in French Guiana (Matoury) and I'm growing my orchids under a shade house. The climate here is pretty much the same all year long except for the precipitations that decreases significantly between August and...
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    New discovery of a Phragmipedium besseae population from Peru.

    Phragmipedium besseae was originally discovered in 1981 near the town of Tarapoto in Peru (San Martin Department) on a moss-covered wall in the Cordillera Escalera. This population is now ‘nearly’ extinct. Just after the description, poachers collected every single plant in less than a week, and...
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    Any suggestion for a Brazilian nursery? Mostly for Cattleya alliance

    Hi everyone, since I live near the Brazilian border, I want to explore the opportunity of purchasing Cattleya and Laelia from there. I'm not familiar at all with the Brazilian nurseries and I wanted to ask for your advice. Do you have good experiences with any, or know some reliable one? Please...
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    Zygosepalum labiosum from French Guiana

    This is an extremely desirable species growing in the understory of the very humid forest of french Guiana, often along the banks of small rivers or streams. Here a photo of a flower in the wild and two individuals from distinct localities grown in Cayenne.
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    Wild collected Phrag Kovachii for sale is still the norm in Peru

    Here a quick video of a greenhouse full of wild collected kovachii for sale for about 30 soles each (about 7 euros). More than 20 years after its discovery, this plant is still collected in quantities in Peru. While the geographic distribution of kovachii is very small, it benefit from growing...
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    Phrag. pearcei in habitat

    This is one of the Phragmipedium that I often encountered in the pre-mountains clear water streams and River of the Amazonian Peru. Always fun to see them in bloom. I've attached a video so that everyone can have a good idea of the habitat.
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    Phrag. lindleyanum

    Hi everyone, I simply wanted to share my Phrag. lindleyanum in spike (flowers have yet to appear). I live in French Guiana where this plant is native too. This is the division of a wild collected plants that have been around for quite a while (before 2001 when the species was declared protected...
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    Wanted To start a serious slipper collection in EUROPE

    Hi everyone, I am starting a slipper collection again! I am in Europe (well in French Guiana which is a department of FRANCE). From what I understand, the main European nurseries are Exotic Plant Company, Asendorfer, Wichmann and Schwerter. Am I missing some others? Exotic Plant Company seems to...
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    A recap greeting from French Guiana FRANCE Europe

    Hi everyone, I have been a member of the Slippertalk communities since 2009. At that time, I was living in Montreal, CANADA (see my first post presentation here: Hi from Montréal - Canada) and I had a small collection of slipper orchids. In 2011, I moved to Tarapoto PERU where I stayed for 7...
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    Some picture of P. kovachii to make you sick :)

    These pictures were taken during our last population assessment, always a splendor. Even if we try to keep ourselves professional and have done this type of assessment multiple times, a full blooming population of Kovachii always steal a smile. Here Cesar and Jose Marco taking is...
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    Phrag. Andean Tears weird discoloration

    For the last 5 months or so (I've had this plant for more than 2 years now), I've been observing weird discoloration of the top leaves of my Phrag kovachii x walisii. The leaves look healthy in morphology but the color is wrong. All my other phrags have a nice healthy green coloration and...
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    Need photos of William Trelease and Michael lawless?

    Hi everyone, I was reading a price list when I found these two rarely seen hybrids: Paph. Memoria Michael Lawless(philippinense x randsii) Paph. William Trelease (rothschildianum x parishii) I was curious to see pictures of these plants but I wasn't able to found any. Would some of you have...
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    What is this miniature paph????

    A miniature purple paphiopedilum...did someone know what it is? The link will bring you to the picture All the best Mathieu
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    Non-slippers orchids for Canadian (exchanges or sale)

    Hi everyone, I have some mature plants available (year old division of my plants), all plants are rooted and the majority of then have already flowered. Oncidium Ampliatum Psychopsis Mariposa 'Green Valley' (large multigrowth plant in 5in basket) Psychopsis Kalihi 'ORCHIS' (large...
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    Paph. parishii rare???? Why?

    Hi everyone, I have very rarely seen P. parshii available, here in Canada. I was wondering if there was a reason this specie was so hard to find. Is it particularly hard to grow? Hard to pollinate or to germinate? All the best Math
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    Where to acquire orchid seeds

    Hi everyone, I want to re-begin doing in-vitro culture of orchids but I am only missing the seeds:p Therefor I was wondering if you knew any places I can order some from or even if any of you have some spare? Thank you for your help. All the best Math