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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Morja

    Does this growth habit mean anything?

    The new growth on my paph. Delenatii has big variation in the size of its first and second leaves! (The third is still growing so should be ignored for now.) Is this normal? I also noticed it's growing much slower now that nights occasionally dip down to 50s, and typical day temps are in 60s or...
  2. Morja

    Free orchid has scale. Do I trash it?

    *Edit to add, my sister volunteered to take it as she has the space to heal it and keep it separate. Yay!* I asked for help with mounting a brassovola of mine and the person helping me also helped me mount an extra dendrobium to take home. I almost didn't want it as I have extremely limited...
  3. Morja

    What do phrag sheaths look like?

    Google is a veritable desert for phrag info, so I ask- what does the very beginning of a sheath look like? Is there a way to tell if it's a sheath vs another leaf? Of course, I can just be patient and find out, but it's more fun to ask. Thank you!
  4. Morja

    Is my oncidium overpotted?

    I ask because I feel like it's not happy. (Current pic at the bottom, progress pics before that for funsies) It's my only oncidium, rescued a year and a half ago from family as an absolute messy mass, which I divided and kept one of the newest divisions of. The mass hadn't flowered in a couple...
  5. Morja

    Should I just let it go? (Virus?!)

    I saved this mini phal out of my best friend's windowsill in April, flew in home with me from Tennessee to Idaho, and then drove it across the country with the rest of my collection to Maryland this August 🤪 It's been struggling. It has one sketchy root. It did grow a new leaf in my care despite...
  6. Morja

    Watercolor Acker's Fu Manchu

    While I focus on culture improvement and try not to stare at my plants waiting for a sheath to appear, I decided to experiment with watercolors (which I am very inexperienced with). The reference for these is the Orchid Roots photo of Phrag Acker's Fu Manchu. First attempt, which ended up washed...
  7. Morja

    Is this the typical size for a schlimii hybrid?

    This is a division of Phrag. Coral Jewel 'Seagrove Barrier Reef' AM/AOS. I got it specifically because it was so compact (and the blooms should be very cute!), but the few pictures I have seen of the sargentianum X schlimii cross don't seem to show such small plants- though I am having trouble...
  8. Morja

    3 months of semi-hydro on a near-rootless phrag (before and after!)

    This Phrag Acker's Fu Manchu came to me with almost no roots! First phrag, and though I was terrified I threw it into semi-hydro (something I had never tried prior) following Ray's website. Three month before and after photos attached- when I first got the pot off and discovered most of the...
  9. Morja

    Hi! Deepening a lifetime obsession.

    Many thanks to Ray for helping me get past the effective (and slightly overzealous) spam-blasting program. I'm excited to be here! A little about me: I got into orchids at 10 years old (like, really obsessed), and after a brief lull started rescuing family members' plants as a teen. Mostly NOID...