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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. kitfox

    Phrag ‘Leslie Garay’

    An oldie but a goodie. I got this plant as a small, single growth plant and had very low expectations on multiple counts. I posted over on the current longifolium album (it’s pollen-parent is album) thread that I kind of hoped I wouldn’t like the bloom because the plant had gotten so large. LS...
  2. kitfox

    Masdevallia mejiana

    The only white I’ve been lucky enough to bloom...tolerates intermediate conditions, which I struggle to almost provide. I keep it WET because my winter humidity flirts with the upper 20% range this time of year, but hey, it works...a little!
  3. kitfox

    Phrag fischeri

    This one is always a pleasant surprise, both when it actually blesses me with a bloom, but also the blooms seem different every cycle...even on the same spike. it does seem to be setting a second bud on this spike, but I certainly know better than to count on any chickens before the egg starts...
  4. kitfox

    Memoria Dick Clement ‘Mercerful’

    When I bought this one from Linda at Seagrove Orchids, she told me this was one of her favorite orchids. High praise. And well deserved. The petals are hard to capture in a way that does them justice, but I love the color and the undulations. I cherish phrag season!
  5. kitfox

    Masdevallia laucheana

    Am I the only poor, deluded soul on here that isn’t smart enough to realize you can’t grow masdevallias under too warm, too dry conditions? Right there in the shade my barely-happy phrags cast? It is certainly serendipity for me that there isn’t a severe penalty for massie murder, other than a...
  6. kitfox

    Weeds in the Garden

    Every Phrag grower needs one like this...she blooms constantly and consistently, even in my windowsill conditions. Has four new growths progressing and three of them will likely spike at the same time. The old spike had 14 blooms, with one branch (spike's final bloom in the second photo) and the...
  7. kitfox

    Phrag Cardinale ‘Wilcox’

    Everyone has to have a favorite, even if it changes every few is mine for today!
  8. kitfox

    Phrag ‘China Dragon’

    One of the prizes from my last adventure into the Woodstream jungle. Two blooms, one spike-for maybe a day or two! Wasn’t familiar with this hybrid, but it looks like it takes the “climbing” habit from mama besseae.
  9. kitfox

    Laelia anceps

    First bloom on this seedling. 5th growth. Tiny plant, loooooong scape, almost 2 feet. The flowers opened very slowly, then the petals all went into full reflex, almost like a dodecatheon. Two days later they have flattened back out a bit, this is the pair, one upright, the other upside down!