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Mar 24, 2024
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I came here from the OrchidBoard, so some of you I might actually recognize from there.

I've been getting more into horticultural over the past 2 years, and orchids are a more recent addition to my collection. Carnivorous platns were my first passion, so I do know a few things about those kinds of plants if you have any questions.

I'm still very green when it comes to orchid growing, but I'm stubborn and delve into things head on, so currently I have a little under or around 20 orchids. That's of course not including all of the carnivorous plants I grow, and then a few regular house plants, so the total is around 50 plants so far. At some point I'll need to get a greenhouse. 😅

My main passion is for the Asian types of orchids: Neofinetia falcata, Sedirea japonica, Dendrobium moniliforme, the Jenosa subtype of Cymbidiums, and some terrestial orchids that I know are favored in East Asia (Ponerorchis graminifolia, Habenaria radiata, etc). I know this forum started off for discussing slipper orchids, and I do like the darker flower kinds, but I can only spread myself so thin when it comes to differing plant care. 😅 More recently I've been fascinated with the Jenosa subtype of Cymbidiums, and I'll likely be having many discussions with people like jokerpass and Asian Cymbidium Empress (at least that their name on the Orchidboard) here soon. 😁

Hope to learn a lot here!
Oh, I should probably list out everything I have. 😆

Cattleya Alliance

Leptotes pohlitinocoi
Cattleya wittigiana

Vanda Alliance

Vanda Arthur Lauffenberger
Vandachostylis 'Charm' var alba x Rhy. coelestis
Neostylis 'Georgia Peach' x Neo. falcata 'Poni'
Neostylis Lou Sneary 'Blue Bird'

Neo. falcata
- Myeonggwanggae
- Ogwan
- Surusumi
- Aojiku Fugaku
- Aojuku Yoroidoshi
- Kousetsu
- Jukai
- Hisui
- Akogare

Dendrobium Alliance

Den. moniliforme
- Kouga
- Kinboshi

Den. kingianum 'Taegeukseon'

Cymbidium Alliance

Cym. sinense 'Golden Da Mao'
Cym. goeringii 'Tenshin'

Phalaenopsis Alliance

Phalaenopsis Lioulin Claire 'Galaxy'

Sedirea japonica:
- Seigyoku Daruma
- Kibana Soshin
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I came here from the OrchidBoard, so some of you I might actually recognize from there.

I've been getting more into horticultural over the past 2 years, and orchids are a more recent addition to my collection. Carnivorous platns were my first passion, so I do know a few things about those kinds of plants if you have any questions.

I'm still very green when it comes to orchid growing, but I'm stubborn and delve into things head on, so currently I have a little under or around 20 orchids. That's of course not including all of the carnivorous plants I grow, and then a few regular house plants, so the total is around 50 plants so far. At some point I'll need to get a greenhouse. 😅

My main passion is for the Asian types of orchids: Neofinetia falcata, Sedirea japonica, Dendrobium moniliforme, the Jenosa subtype of Cymbidiums, and some terrestial orchids that I know are favored in East Asia (Ponerorchis graminifolia, Habenaria radiata, etc). I know this forum started off for discussing slipper orchids, and I do like the darker flower kinds, but I can only spread myself so thin when it comes to differing plant care. 😅 More recently I've been fascinated with the Jenosa subtype of Cymbidiums, and I'll likely be having many discussions with people like jokerpass and Asian Cymbidium Empress (at least that their name on the Orchidboard) here soon. 😁

Hope to learn a lot here!
Welcome and good luck with the Jensoas! I successfully grow quiebiense, sinense, ensifolium and cyperfolium and continue to fail with goeringii and kanran despite using Jack Zhu’s custom mix. Sigh.
Welcome and good luck with the Jensoas! I successfully grow quiebiense, sinense, ensifolium and cyperfolium and continue to fail with goeringii and kanran despite using Jack Zhu’s custom mix. Sigh.

I just received a nice Japanese goeringii variety from Satomi from Seed Engei/japaneseorchids, 'Tenshin', and from briefing talking with her and a few other vendors and viewing posts on this forum and the Orchidboard, it seems like there's a bit of overthinking to the culture for goeringii. It's not that the very specific culture that you get from a lot of East Asian growers is wrong, far from it, but rather it's that, very specific. From what I gathered, here's everything broken down:
  • Do not overwater
  • Substrate pH should be in that "slightly acidic" range (5.5 - 6.5), and allow for air between the roots
  • Fertilizing is the least important part, if the Japanese fertilize only 3 times a year, you can probably get away with a little more
  • They like a period of cooler weather, probably stick to nothing below 40 degrees Fahrenheit
  • In summer keep them in pretty much a shady spot, pretty much Phal like light levels. This helps keep them on the cooler side in hot weather.
  • They don't need super high humidity, 60% is probably a good amount to aim, with 50% being the lower end and 70% the upper. They like humidity, but not lowland jungle wet and muggy-ness.
After that, everything else feels a bit superfluous. I don't mean to disparage anyone, but there's such a broad mix of opinions and experience with growing these plants that there's got to be some kind of middle ground.

Again, this is just a guess. After...a day, I haven't killed this new plant yet, and nothing really seems to show like this plant isn't adjusting like all of the others have.

EDIT: Already got something wrong, lol. The recommendation for keeping goeringii in a heavily shaded spot in summer is for varieties that have orange flowers, maybe yellow flowers as well.
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(Michael is "jokerpass" on ST)

I'm watching this now! Very helpful stuff.

I will say, with just watching the video and seeing some pictures, I see some of these types of Cymbidiums are potting in sphagnum moss, which is interesting considering I read so much that they should be planted in a mostly inorganic substrates. But maybe the top half is just sphagnum and the rest is inorganic. 🤷‍♂️