Growing large flowered Paphs.??

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My tubes are T-5’s, 6,500k, and they are on ten hours a day. But I am only growing them for 4 months.
I fertilize twice a month with Jack’s 20-20-20, at a teaspoon per gallon
Oh, do not give me too much credit. I purchased these from Austin Credk Orchids. Paph Paradise is another great source. I have not put any buds on these guys as of yet.
I am trying them because I need plants that can flower easily under lights. My home is really an intermediate to cool environment. Even in the summer it rarely gets more then 80 degrees. Almost 80% of my collection goes outdoors around May 1st.
I am trying Zygopetalums as well. Things like standard Cattleyas just don’t perform well in my conditions.
So my collection is mainly Paphs., a few Phrags., a few Cattleyas and Zygopetalums. At 75, I don’t have the time or drive to do flasks or compots.
I am an avid gardener and bird photographer. Just too many hobbies I guess!!!!
Oh, do not give me too much credit. I purchased these from Austin Credk Orchids. Paph Paradise is another great source. I have not put any buds on these guys as of yet.
I am trying them because I need plants that can flower easily under lights. My home is really an intermediate to cool environment. Even in the summer it rarely gets more then 80 degrees. Almost 80% of my collection goes outdoors around May 1st.
I am trying Zygopetalums as well. Things like standard Cattleyas just don’t perform well in my conditions.
So my collection is mainly Paphs., a few Phrags., a few Cattleyas and Zygopetalums. At 75, I don’t have the time or drive to do flasks or compots.
I am an avid gardener and bird photographer. Just too many hobbies I guess!!!!
Get some maudiaes also beginner plant. Blooms thru out year if in big clumps.
Or get a Pinocchio for sequential bloomers that can last over a year on off blooms.
Oh, I am familiar with all of your suggestions. Thank you for offering them. I tried them both here recently. I ran into a big problem….. MEALYBUGS!!! Oh my goodness!! Millions and millions of mealies. I ended up giving away about 50 of each to friends.
I couldn’t control them at all so I gave them away on raffle tables etc. I have a low humidity environment, things dry out extremely quickly and the mealies thrived.
I have a couple of kitty cats who constantly visit my orchids. Not to eat but to visit. I am uncomfortable spraying something stronger.
Oh, I am familiar with all of your suggestions. Thank you for offering them. I tried them both here recently. I ran into a big problem….. MEALYBUGS!!! Oh my goodness!! Millions and millions of mealies. I ended up giving away about 50 of each to friends.
I couldn’t control them at all so I gave them away on raffle tables etc. I have a low humidity environment, things dry out extremely quickly and the mealies thrived.
I have a couple of kitty cats who constantly visit my orchids. Not to eat but to visit. I am uncomfortable spraying something stronger.
You just have to clean them with isopropyl alcohol many times. I suffered from depression n killing pests got neglected. So now I zap them when I clean a tray at a time over and over again.
You just have to clean them with isopropyl alcohol many times. I suffered from depression n killing pests got neglected. So now I zap them when I clean a tray at a time over and over again.
I don't use humidifier either n my humidity is always at 60%.
Trays of water serve to boost humidity
I don't use humidifier either n my humidity is always at 60%.
Trays of water serve to boost humidity
You are very vulnerable to spreading any viruses or other diseases by letting your plants share water in a communal tray. I think, above, you said that’s how you water. Although virus is less prolific in Paphs/Phrags it does occur. I’ve lost a couple to it. Virus spreads easily in run-off.
Beth, that’s really nice. Are you coming to the NCOS Paph Forum Jan. 20? You should bring it. If you’ve never attended it is well worth the effort. Best Paph gathering east of the Mississippi.
Thanks, Deborah! And yes, I will be at the Paph Forum. I’ve been looking forward to it for quite some time. However, my pocketbook is getting very nervous about a room full of paph vendors -as is my husband.