Cyp deer damage and recovery

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
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What is there to do when a deer has decided to have fresh Cypripedium sprouts for lunch?
I have to put a wire cage around my Cyps in the deer haven that is my property.. not pretty but effective. I have yet to loose any to deer. Only from my stupidity and learning to grow them.

Side note, I also grow a lot of native plants out in my woods and I push sticks in and around the plant all over so the sticks are above the plant in all angles and it also works great just not 100% if you don’t use newly broken sticks.
I use a granular repellant that works quite well. The deer ate my daylily buds for
two years before I found the small miracle at Lowes. I'll look at the bag tomorrow and
post the name of the product. Sadly, it doesn't work on squirrels.
I'd like to know more about a repellant that really works, fir my lilies as well. I lost all my ground Cyps to them, but am now trying them semi hydroponically on the deck. I'll know how this worked in a year