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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. Justin

    Misc multifloral paphs and things

    Congrats on the HCC! Your sands look great!
  2. Justin

    Orchids 2024

    stonei :)
  3. Justin

    80 days of growth

    Any LED grow light will do. I have HLG 60 watt LEDs over my mature plants on 2×4 ' shelves. And single 4' 38 watt strips over seedling shelves (these are strong enough to bloom roths). I got the HLG lights from the local hydroponics shop, and the strips from The Orchid Hobbyist on Fb or from Lowes.
  4. Justin

    Fuzzy the Vietnamense

  5. Justin

    Sometimes they don't work out.

    I have a Delrosi that took 16 years to flower, and then has bloomed mangled twice. It gets one more chance then it is audi.
  6. Justin

    A few questions.

    Forgot to mention, if you want to grow these indoors, a lot of growers will put a heating pad under them.
  7. Justin

    A few questions.

    I have tried to grow them in normal indoor temperatures (and quite chilly in the winter evenings) -- multiple times. They always died after a year max. It is just how it is with these.
  8. Justin

    Ghost pepper plants

    These all sound delish!
  9. Justin

    Treated myself to a couple of choice paphs.

    Wow those are all fantastic examples. Exceptional. Hope all is well and that you enjoy them!
  10. Justin

    Are these leaves too yellow?

    I saw huge improvement in my roths when I went from not feeding much at all, to using Urea-based 30-10-10 @ 1/4 tsp/gal every watering. Results were greener, thicker leaves, greatly reduced leaf tip die back, clumping growths, and consistently higher flower count. Helped with all my Paphs...
  11. Justin

    Paph. Johanna Burkhart ‘Tejas’ AM / AOS

    Dang! Should have been a 90. Congrats.
  12. Justin

    Current rothschildianum quality

    Nice big flower. It is no longer a "rare" species, and the average pot plant roth today exceeds the quality of most Charles E x Borneo from yesteryear, with radically improved ease of blooming. So I agree it is a world of difference. However, the majority of plants I see in the US are...
  13. Justin

    Hangianum Finally

    Appreciate the long term commitment. I still have never bloomed one (down to just one seedling currently).
  14. Justin

    Orchids 2024

    Final look at roth Charles E for the season.
  15. Justin

    Paphiopedilum spicerianum

    The second one looks like a hybrid.
  16. Justin

    Orchids 2024

    A nice little bessae I keep around. :) This plant is in bloom 365 days a year. This is the 15th flower on the current inflorescence, and another spike is also starting. Possibly the easiest plant to grow in my collection. It just sits in a shallow tray of water. Small plant. Non-climbing...
  17. Justin

    Paph rothschildianum first time blooming

    Yes it is from Orchid Zone breeding. Definitely a keeper and has a lot of potential on a mature plant. The pouch saturation is excellent. I see a lot of Rex coming through in the dorsal as well.