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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. R

    Paph coccineum

    My new Paph coccineum is a really cute little flower. If only other paphs would flower as easily as these plants.
  2. R

    Vanda jennae

    I flew home last Friday from a work conference in cold and rainy Melbourne, and this beautiful site of a Vanda jennae in the garden on a lovely warm sunny day greeted me.
  3. R

    Some spring flowering C. Lueddemanniana

    I had three different Lueddemannianas flower this year, a coerulea, and a pink coloured one for the first time, and a semi alba, which flowers every spring. first flowering coerulea, a big flower 16-17cm across Love the colour contrast. Now if only I could flower one of those dark purple...
  4. R

    Paph Shun-fa Golden

    This is my Paph Shun-fa Golden I flowered last July/August, it is a slow grower, so hopefully it will flower, next july in winter again, the new growth is about a third mature. Taken at night on the back patio. It was 16cm width. I haven't named the clone, yet.
  5. R

    Phragmipedium schlimii in flower

    My Phrag schlimii is in flower after a few years. Such a small beauty. And the magnolias in bloom, spring is a little early in the middle of winter.
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    Tenebrosa at Christmas

    Yes I found some 6 months old photos for Laelia Tenebrosa " Rainforest" A truly big grower. With flash and without. Flower was 20cm across.
  7. R

    Cattleya lueddemanniana Cerro Verde

    Belated I know but flowered late last November, and got a pod set. With a little friend, or frenemie.
  8. R

    Phrag Brysa

    The first time I have flowered Phrag Brysa ( boissierianum x Sedenii, Veitch 1892 ), I like the subtle colours. Here is a couple of photos, inside and in the sun on the patio.
  9. R

    Bulbophyllum orthosepalum

    This is my Bulbophyllum orthosepalum ' Katrina' which flowered last month. Royal
  10. R

    Bulbophyllum phalenopsis

    I flowered my Bulb. phalenopsis earlier this summer in November. It has been a good summer for my big leaf bulbophyllums. Royal
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    Bulbophyllum macrobulbon

    My Bulbophyllum macrobulbon flowered earlier this month with two flowers and a blow fly pollinated one flower, does anyone know how long approximately the seed pods grow until they split. Royal
  12. R

    Paph Rolfei

    Finally after many years (17) of growing many different plants of Paph. Rolfei , one has flowered. Paph Rolfei 'Vampira', it came as a complete surprise. Photo taken at my mates greenhouse were it is growing nicely with 3 new growths. Royal
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    Paph Ice Castle x Shun-fa Golden

    I flowered my plant this week, and I think it has great potential. Royal
  14. R

    Coryanthes macrantha

    I am amazed by how fast this bucket orchid grows, from a one bulb growth, 18 months ago to many bulbs and flowering, a few weeks ago. With another flowering in a few weeks. And what a truly amazing flower. Royal
  15. R

    Bulbophyllum fletcherianum

    Earlier this year in our Australian summer I was happy to flower one of my Bulb. fletcherianum's with 24 very smelly flowers. The first photo is before it flowered, growing on my patio, with others. Royal
  16. R

    Maudiae - An old Favourite

    An old favourite of mine, Paph Maudiae Magnificum FCC/RHS Royal