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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. My Green Pets

    Cattleya purpurata coerulea striata (Werkhauseri)

    That plant is immaculate, just wonderful!
  2. My Green Pets

    Cypripedium seedling hints

    Wonderful. I'm amazed, I did not know Cyps could withstand the heat of the south, especially the warm night temps.
  3. My Green Pets

    Hardy Ground Orchid Protocorms

    That's outstanding, I'd like to buy a community pot of 20-30 seedlings once they reach a few centimeters in height! Good luck!
  4. My Green Pets

    Cypripedium Otto (calceolus x pubescens)

    Gorgeous! The aphids love it too!
  5. My Green Pets

    Cypripedium montanum in situ

    Possibly the most beautiful Cyp, in my opinion. What a clump!! And near vertical location too, how cool.
  6. My Green Pets

    Cattleya mossiae coerulea forma

    How wonderful, enjoy!
  7. My Green Pets

    2024 Phalaenopsis

    I like the hypnotic effect of that fuchsia center...mesmerizing!
  8. My Green Pets

    C. mossiae semi-alba pincelada

    yet another one of your plants I would love to have a piece of!
  9. My Green Pets

    Orchids 2024

    i like the narrow dorsal. would be very happy with this.
  10. My Green Pets

    Cattleya porphyroglossa

    Really like it, reminds me of forbesii
  11. My Green Pets

    Laelua purpurata Werckhauserii

    oooh I love this!
  12. My Green Pets

    Phal. schilleriana 'Harford's Rose' AM/AOS

    beautiful. fragrant? would love to see the whole plant as well. love these.