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  1. kc6847

    Paph. Wossner Black Wings ‘Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes’

    Thanks for the info! I actually grow this one under lights and staked it while it was growing and tried to progressively lower the plant away from the lights as the spike elongated but I think I might have done so too late causing the flowers to clump up. Not using the stake was for photography...
  2. kc6847

    Paph. Wossner Black Wings ‘Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes’

    Nah, Pacific South San Marino
  3. kc6847

    Paph. Wossner Black Wings ‘Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes’

    Dorsal of the largest flower is 4.9 width, 7.0 length, petal length about 15.5 length, 1.4 width. Lateral spread is 20.7. Their main gripes were the spacing of the flowers and flower count. Turns out, the center I brought it to is known for seeing paphs so that didn’t help, they said it was a...
  4. kc6847

    Paph. Wossner Black Wings ‘Adrian Fahrenheit Tepes’

    First multifloral that I can accredit to blooming myself. Brought it to judging and was one point away from an HCC. Everyone wanted to see it back though once more mature.
  5. kc6847

    Wanted Cattleya schroederae 'The Baron' or similar

    Looking for C. schroederae with the specific magenta and orange throat displayed by 'The Baron' and its progeny.
  6. kc6847

    Multifloral Spike Orientation Under Lights

    The buds are out of the leaves but our place is having a cooler spell as of now and I tend to rot out my paphs more than dehydration, I'll increase watering to twice a week and see how fast it dries out.
  7. kc6847

    Dehydrated near rootless P sanderianum seedling

    Still alive and kicking somehow, no more new roots and the main growth point stopped growing but the plant is now throwing out 4 basal shoots. Meanwhile its sibling I got 3 months ago is in a 4” pot, steadily growing, and survived the winter easily. I’m thinking this one was probably a runt
  8. kc6847

    Multifloral Spike Orientation Under Lights

    Wossner Black Wings is looking to take flight. Question is, how does one keep the spike from burning under the lights while simultaneously having the flowers face one direction, the spike to stand up straight, and the whole thing to not blast? Unfortunately I can't move these lights any further...
  9. kc6847

    Importing flasks to the US from Taiwan?

    Hi! I'm considering importing from Hung Sheng Orchids from Taiwan since they're one of the few vendors that seem to have species that I'm interested in and one I think I can potentially reliably trust. What's the process for importing paph flasks besides the phyto certificate and a CITES form?
  10. kc6847

    P. helenae

    Can't take credit for the bloom, this is part of Quintal Farm's smaller breeding line. I prefer this over the larger helenae for sure because I think plant size is such a hallmark for this species. Also need to invest in better lighting equipment.
  11. kc6847

    Erasanthe henrici

    Congrats! Not an easy species especially from an imported specimen! I have a seedling from Botanica for over a year now, growing intermediate-warm under cattleya light and watered like one (2-1x a week depending on season). I have it in power grade orchiata in a 3 inch pot under around 35%...
  12. kc6847

    Wanted P. Chiu Hua Dancer

    Looking for this cross again since USPS either messed up with the delivery or someone stole the package within 1 hour of supposed "delivery". It doesn't seem hopeful that they are going to find the original package either.
  13. kc6847


    Hi yes that’s me, I put a question mark by the name and added a disclaimer in the description after talking to some other people about it, the middleman to the original vendor got my note and will likely put out a disclaimer as well. They’ve been doing well for me for the last few months.
  14. kc6847


    I recently received a flask of sanderianum from an international grower who sent me images of the parents used (sib cross). I'm not sure if the first one is sanderianum seeing how short the petal length is. Can anyone else confirm?
  15. kc6847

    For Sale Paph Krull's Pride (FCC Parent)

    This came off naturally from the mother plant when I was repotting it so here's an extra if anyone wants it. Exact flower shown in the picture, needs a little tlc but potential award quality due to the stance of the petals. $65 + $15 shipping via USPS or pickup in the Los Angeles area in...