Recent content by JustinR

Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. JustinR

    A few questions.

    I've got a bellina that I've had for 15 years and it survives just fine in normal household temps (18 - 23 deg C). Probably would grow faster if it was warmer but it seems to be able to withstand considerably cooler temperatures than what I expected, and the same can be said for some other "warm...
  2. JustinR

    Pair of P haynaldianum

    Awesome pair, if I had to I would pick the one on the left, the dorsal on that one is sublime.
  3. JustinR

    Gongora catilligera

    This is my Gongora catilligera which I have had for 13 years, it took me a while to figure out how to grow her, but she was patient with me😂
  4. JustinR

    Ornithocephalus patentilobum

    Cool and very unusual. Seems to be pretty rare, could you post a photo of the whole plant for posterity?
  5. JustinR


    Nice pouch on that one, congrats. From the photo it appears that it does not have glossy leaves, is that not diagnostic for this species? Or perhaps it is just the photo does not show it?
  6. JustinR

    My Paphs of subg. Sigmatopetalum in 2024

    beautiful plant and photos, very elegant
  7. JustinR

    Does this growth habit mean anything?

    Nights dipping into the 50s should be no problem for delenatii, I think it is considered to be intermediate rather than warm? At least that is my experience.
  8. JustinR

    Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum var. latifolium

    Thanks for the info and background. That victoria-mariae is actually a hybrid doesn't surprise me, it was pretty cheap and already in spike. Pretty cool that I got a kalinae, it is an interesting plant.
  9. JustinR

    Paphiopedilum chamberlainianum var. latifolium

    Sequential bloomer. It's kind of an odd one with big round leaves. Vegetatively it reminds me of a cabbage for some reason :D . It grew pretty fast from seedling to flowering in 2 years. The comparison photos are with victoria mariae.
  10. JustinR

    Currently In bloom in my orchid room. Paphs, phals. Please look! I also want people to critique my photography!

    Nice blooms! I agree with BigCatt that the background is all important. If you can use the depth of field control on your camera to blur the background it will emphasise the beauty of the flowers. You can use a tripod with timer release, single focus point on e.g. the lip of flower and shallow...
  11. JustinR

    Why are good orchid species so hard to find?

    If you are on a budget and have the patience I suggest to look at purchasing seedlings instead of flowering size plants. Its a lot of fun and you will become a better grower. Then you can also better appreciate why they are not cheap as chips.
  12. JustinR

    Plant insurance?

    I had a greenhouse fire that killed everything > 10 years ago. It was covered by the insurance, plants included. But I imagine their willingness to payout would depend on the nature of the greenhouse (private / non-commercial), the conditions of the insurance and the cost of replacement.
  13. JustinR

    What is the approximate wingspan of a mature Paphiopedilum 'Woluwense'?

    Beautiful plant, even without flowers :D . You might need to trigger it into flowering somehow, but I have no idea for this type of hybrid how you best might do that. I noticed that a lot of my paphs seem to be triggered by decreased day length / cooler / dryer conditions. But I wouldn't dare...
  14. JustinR

    Cattleya Treasure Find!

    wild guess: trianei x Toshi Aoki
  15. JustinR

    Should I repot before winter really kicks off?

    The plant looks pretty healthy, the browned off part of the plant looks like an old fan that has already flowered. It is natural for the old fans that have bloomed to die back. So probably no urgent need to repot. If new growth starts to die back I would repot it immediately.