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Slippertalk Orchid Forum

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  1. G

    Ecuagenera is puzzling us again.

    Overdosing any bio stimulant is likely or guaranteed to negatively affect plant health. Years ago we experimented with Chemicals to cause Phals to produce up to 8 spikes at one time. Easy to do and the show of flowers was fantastic. But we learned that it took years for the plants to recover and...
  2. G

    Ecuagenera is puzzling us again.

    Plenty of data about plant steroids online.
  3. G

    Ecuagenera is puzzling us again.
  4. G

    Too much light for newer phrag growths?

    The leaves look fine in sunlight. I think the magnesium sulfate should green up the slight interveinal yellowing.
  5. G

    Too much light for newer phrag growths?

    Epsom Salts is Magnesium Sulfate.
  6. G

    Too much light for newer phrag growths?

    Nutritionally the slight paleness between the veins could be a sulfur deficiency. Easy way to test that is to apply magnesium sulfate.
  7. G

    Too much light for newer phrag growths?

    Take your plant out in sunlight to evaluate the color and lightness. LED light always shows misleading color. If you feel like the plants are not as healthy with foliage closer to the lights consider reducing the hours the light is on to reduce the DLI (total light energy received by the leaves).
  8. G

    A few questions.

    Maybe the belina would like warmer temperature to initiate vegetative growth.
  9. G

    A few questions.

    What are your night and day temperatures?
  10. G

    Hello from California

    Welcome. Where is California are you?
  11. G

    plant import permits freak me out

    The CITES license is required forIor commercial shipments. If you intend to sell or barter the plants you need the CITES license to protect yourself in the future. And if you are importing CITES Apx1 species it think you need it regardless.
  12. G

    plant import permits freak me out

    The USFDA has nothing to do with orchids, they regulate food and drugs. You need to consult the USDA (APHIS).
  13. G

    plant import permits freak me out

    Are you thinking to import a few plants in the mail or a quantity using air cargo?
  14. G

    plant import permits freak me out

    What country are you importing into?
  15. G

    Cultivation of Phrag Kovachii (and Hybrids) , and Paph Niveum and Rohs (and hybrids) in temperate climates

    Your temperature range is fine for kovachii and it's hybrids. For kovachii 8°c is more like a minimum safe temperature not a requirement for good growth.